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  • What We Do

    We promote biblical principles for living, working and striving for excellence in all aspects of life for ministries, families and other enterprises in a way that uncovers the mystery of Christ and advances the Kingdom of God.

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    Advancing the Kingdom

    From the days of John the Baptist until now, the kingdom of heaven has been forcefully advancing, and forceful men lay hold of it.

    “The Law and the Prophets were proclaimed until John.
    Since that time, the good news of the kingdom of God is being preached, and everyone is forcing his way into it.”
    Luke 16:16 (NIV)
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    Sharing The Mystery of Christ

    We are all made and loved by an awesome and extravagant God!

    Ephesians 3:4-6 Message
    As you read over what I have written to you,
    you’ll be able to see for yourselves into the mystery of Christ. None of our ancestors understood this. Only in our time has it been made clear by God’s Spirit through his holy apostles and prophets of this new order.
    The mystery is that people who have never heard of God and those who have heard of him all their lives (what I’ve been calling outsiders and insiders) stand on the same ground before God. They get the same offer, same help, same promises in Christ Jesus. The Message is accessible and welcoming to everyone, across the board
    Romans 10:12 NIV
    there is no difference between Jew and Gentile—the same Lord is Lord of all and richly blesses all who call on him
    Founded by James N. Gamble of Procter & Gamble in 1924, City Gospel Mission helps the homeless and hurting break the cycle of poverty and despair … one life at a time. We engage, equip and empower those in need with the spiritual, emotional, mental and physical skills and resources to achieve long-term life transformation and self-sufficiency. Our proven programs and services are centered on caring, personal relationships focused in four key service areas: food and shelter, recovery, at-risk youth and job readiness and placement.

    Serving City Gospel Mission  

    our strategic cause

    Breaking the Cycle of Poverty and Despair one life at a time

    Founded by James N. Gamble of Procter & Gamble in 1924, City Gospel Mission helps the homeless and hurting break the cycle of poverty and despair … one life at a time. We engage, equip and empower those in need with the spiritual, emotional, mental and physical skills and resources to achieve long-term life transformation and self-sufficiency. Our proven programs and services are centered on caring, personal relationships focused in four key service areas: food and shelter, recovery, at-risk youth and job readiness and placement.

    Founded by James N. Gamble of Procter & Gamble in 1924, City Gospel Mission helps the homeless and hurting break the cycle of poverty and despair … one life at a time. We engage, equip and empower those in need with the spiritual, emotional, mental and physical skills and resources to achieve long-term life transformation and self-sufficiency. Our proven programs and services are centered on caring, personal relationships focused in four key service areas: food and shelter, recovery, at-risk youth and job readiness and placement.

    Gary Education & Leadership Alliance

    Hometown support for Education


    A fellowship of partners passionate about providing

    cash, coaching and connections to minority students in the Greater Gary, Indiana region. Giving Scholarships and support to Northwest Indiana students for over 20 years.

  • How We Do It

    How may we serve you?

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    Consulting, Training & Executive Coaching

    Are you Reaping your harvest of sales & profit?​


    1. Strategic Planning & Execution Beyond Advice to Implementation
    2. Leadership training and organizational effectiveness 
    3. Team building workshops and professional success coaching
    4. Forming, Funding, and Fulfilling your Non-Profit Mission

    Rod&staff Enterprises is a business development consultancy shepherding success for the Believer in business and Faith-based enterprise. We make it easier to achieve your goals by utilizing a unique blend biblical economics and operations strategy.


    We recognize that for some of us faith and success in business are inextricably linked.


    We provide Business Plan Development, Joint Venture development and facilitation, organizational design and effectiveness training.


    To get your business going, growing, and glowing in the Glory of the Lord, Call Rod&staff enterprises.


    Shepherding success for the believer in business

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    Equipping Believers in Business for LIFE

    A Fellowship of Disciplined Learners

    We are Believers in Business for LIFE
    eadership, Innovation, Faith, & Entrepreneurship!

    We strive to equip believers in business with the know-how and mentorship to successfully launch and grow businesses that add value to their families, communities, and the Kingdom of God.

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    Business Growth Coaching

    Winners have Coaches

    We come along your side to ensure you find and faithfully execute your best plan that plays to your strengths so you can waste less and win more!

    • Set the right goals
    • Create the winning strategy
    • Hardwire the plan into an Entrepreneurial Operating System
    • Celebrate your success
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    Profitable Strategy Development and Deployment

    Winning as Team

    A Strategy is a integrated set of choices that enable you win! Winning is a team sport. Let us help you to develop your path to success and get all the players in the game

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    Mission Management for Non-Profits

    When the mission is everything

    When it is not about profit and all about mission, you must still have a clear target and plan to win. Whether raising funds, building spaces, or mobilizing and army of volunteers non-profits must too have efficient and effective strategies to achieve the mission. We manage the process to fulfill the mission!

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    Enabling Diversity, Equity & Inclusion

    Leveling the playing to field to get more of us in the game!

    Supplier Diversity, Economic Inclusion, Minority or Women Business Enterprise Development are all intended to get more of our diverse communities working, hiring, investing, and growing our economy. There is an art and science to working in this space effectively. We provide strategies, training, and coaching for all stakeholders in this field. Our experiences are founded upon Biblical Justice and years of affecting DEI at the operational level. We help to shape inclusive cultures through the systems that comprise the nature of the organization and ultimately deliver the results that it gets.

  • Book Overview Bible and Briefcases is for Christ Followers desiring to understand and apply biblical economics principles where they live, work, learn and trade. It blends biblical study, economic instruction and Christian encouragement to serve God more fiercely in the marketplace.

    Book Overview Bible and Briefcases is for Christ Followers desiring to understand and apply biblical economics principles where they live, work, learn and trade. It blends biblical study, economic instruction and Christian encouragement to serve God more fiercely in the marketplace.

    Get a Good Book

  • N2ME-SEE

    Essential Writes, Talks & Workshops

    24 mai 2022
    On a hot southern summer day, while on the porch swing, a little boy watched as a well-worn...
    4 septembre 2021
    Daddy! I want to be a man  when I grow up! These words in that little voice  have...
    A modern-day wise man said to me, “2020, the Year of Perfect Vision” is perhaps the most...
    “As for you, you meant evil against me, but God meant it for good in order to bring about this...
    23 juillet 2018
    Did you know that you can capture bad ideas before they grow into stinking thinking? “take...
    A good Euro-American brother in Christ asked me after having his mind blown by watching Ava...
    Leading Change in the Marketplace- Over the past two decades I have endeavored to be a student...
    The are lots of good books in addition THE GOOD BOOK that inform Believers in Business to...
    3 janvier 2018
    Genesis declares God as the source of the earth and all creation. The fact the He placed the...
    26 septembre 2017
    Why Earn? This might sound like one of those so called "dumb questions." Or perhaps a statement...
    Social scientists, economic developers and other charitably minded institutions are striving to...
    We are approaching final leg for our mission to love and launch our three beloveds into young...
    26 mai 2017
    Reach out to us if you'd like to schedule an engagement. We really like to talk with you and not...
    Christian Business owners have a unique advantage and opportunity to use their business as a...
    I am convinced that inclusion builds the best everything. Even as I say it, and write, I realize...
    I am an African American man. You can look at me and tell that. You know how I got here. I...
  • Who We Are

    Rodney's favorite things to do in the whole world are helping others plan, seeing others achieve their goals. collaborating for success. "Why?" was probably his first word, and he uses his compassionate curiosity to find root causes and to discover the keys to success.

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    Rodney Swope

    Chief Servant


     Rodney is called as a ministry platform builder to the Kingdom of Christ. His ministry is to equip the body with the skills to build, unite and usher in the imminent return of Christ. With over 20 years in international business and 10 years in active ministry he is uniquely equipped to apply the gifts of administration and leadership to the people of God in a way that establishes order leading to increase. As the founder and chief servant of rod&staff enterprises he is boldly walking out an apostolic calling to manifest the wealth of God’s Kingdom and fulfill the great commission in the marketplace.

    A devoted husband, father of 3,and friend in need.

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